Beginners' English


Course Details

  • Course Code: LANG-0230_314525
  • Location: University Park
  • Mode of Study: In-person
  • Places Left: 12
  • Waitlist Places Left: 2
  • Fee: $100
Intended for learners whose first language is not English and who have had little formal education in English, this non-credit course covers the basics of the English language with a focus on developing communication skills. To complete this course curriculum in its entirety, learners should expect to enroll in the fall, winter, and spring sessions. However, learners can join for any 10-week session. In each course, learners will meet for 90 minutes weekly with a DU language instructor who will guide learners’ studies and provide opportunities for engaging in conversation during weekly meetings. Refund policy: All refunds must be requested in writing to the CWLC Director at Refunds will be considered according to the following deadlines: 100% refund 24 hours before the first class 75% refund 24 hours before the second class No refund after the second class


Center for World Languages and Cultures
University of Denver
Sturm Hall, Room 391
2000 E. Asbury Avenue
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: +1 303-871-4601


Quick Links

Center for World Languages and Cultures (CWLC) Home Page
Community Language Classes
Self-Directed Language Study
CWLC Resources


Days of the Week Start Date End Date Time Venue Instructor
Wednesday 09 April 2025 13 June 2025 04:30PM - 06:00PM All Students N/A